Z - Zero (A to Z Tips)

The concept of zero, both as a placeholder and as a symbol for nothing, is a relatively recent development. It is widely seen as one of the greatest innovations in human history. It is the cornerstone of modern mathematics and physics and, as a result, has been the basis of many technological advances.

Although we have always appreciated the concept of nothing, or of having nothing, it is thought that the symbol developed in India around the fifth century A.D. Prior to, mathematicians struggled to perform the simplest arithmetic calculations. Today, zero is famed for allowing us to perform complicated equations, and for the birth of binary code and computers.

Recent history has seen us adopt the word to describe a starting point or base for an activity. Ground Zero is the point directly above, below, or at which a nuclear explosion occurs, or is the centre or origin of rapid, intense, or violent activity or change. It is now synonymous with the New York City memorial to honour the nearly 2,800 victims of September 2011.

Zero tolerance is another term adopted more recently. Zero-tolerance in schools, the strict enforcement of regulations and ban against behaviours or the possession of items deemed undesirable by said schools, may soon be expanded to zero contact as our schools tackle the sensitive issue of social distancing.

In terms of weather, zero degrees celsius signals like likelihood of ice on the roads, and if you are playing scrabble the word would score you 13 points.

But what does the word zero mean to you? Does it elicit a feeling of panic (zero income, zero pupils, zero academic achievements, zero jobs) or does it suggest to you a sense of freedom, exempt of expectation or limitation (a clean slate, new chapter, blank page)?

Some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, Richard Branson, Oprah, Alan Sugar and Bill Gates for example, started at zero. They created their businesses from nothing, with nothing. However, the one thing they all had in common was they had focus and they knew their market.

Zero in. Make sure there is nothing you don’t know about your competition.

Thinking you know what your competition is up to won’t cut it. To make sure you have your finger firmly on the pulse you need to study your market like an expert. To talk with confidence to prospective parents and to be able to remove any doubt in their minds about why your school is superior to the other schools they are considering takes conviction. Confidence comes with knowledge. If you know the level of the teaching staff, their strengths and weaknesses, you can establish what the parents are seeking for their child and gently undermine their decision to send them anywhere else. You can add value by subtly highlighting the differences of other schools in the area by pointing out their features, then selling the benefits of your own.

Zero distraction. Keep focused.

If your Strategic Development Plan still holds true, make sure your staff are reminded of its content. Set yourself personal goals for six months’ time and work backwards with a plan as to how you are going to achieve them. List out what you need to do each day to get to where you want to be. Set a goal that is a stretch for you and your team and remind yourselves of the steps you need to take every day to accomplish that goal.

From Zero to Hero. Be brave.

If disaster struck and the world as you know it ended tomorrow. What would you create in its place? Sometimes to move forward, we must strip everything back to basics and remind ourselves what it is we are really looking to achieve. Several schools we have been working with have had to completely re-evaluate themselves in order to survive. By reassessing what the core values were and accepting that drastic times call for drastic measures, they have found away forward, a way to future proof and become the establishment they have always had in their hearts, but not always in their sights.

Whatever your financial goal, the pandemic will doubtless be having a profound impact. Whilst it sounds a little absurd, invest time in listing out the biggest challenges you and your team face in the next few months. We appreciate it is hard to look any further ahead, as we none of us know how the pandemic will play out; however, relate your challenges to those of your current and potential parents. Acknowledge the issues they are facing and start to build communication with them to start addressing their issues. Then, create a solution to their problem. I appreciate that this is easier said than done, but it is this type of honest communication that will play a crucial role in recovery.

For us, zero signals the beginning rather than the end.

Headspace Academics; helping schools on the road to recovery.

Richard Stevenson