Do you need a hygge?

Do you need a hygge?

After the cold snap, I decided to buy some new socks. Not just any old socks though, proper warm socks. Apparently, Scandinavians have a saying ‘there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing’. So, I sought a Nordic solution to my chilly feet; after all, they seem to be pretty sorted when it comes to combating the cold.

Following my order, I received an email from the supplier which really struck a chord with me. So much so, I thought I would share it.

What a year 2020 was. Between the pandemic, extreme weather, and civil unrest, we've all had quite a lot on our plate these last 12 months. But as challenging and difficult to navigate as 2020 was, it has also taught us quite a few important lessons.

First and foremost, this past year has demonstrated that the most troublesome of times are also the ones that reveal the truth. Meaningful bonds with friends and family were not affected by social distancing. If anything, it has made them stronger, while superficial relationships fizzled out.

Furthermore, the months that passed have shown us that genuine happiness lies in the simplest of things. Gazing out the window on a snowy day with a cup of chocolate in hand, losing your worries in the flurry of snowflakes. Putting on a soft and cosy pair of Nordic socks on a chilly morning and starting the fire with your significant other. These are life's most joyous moments (this I am looking forward to!)

In 2021, let us all embrace the principles of hygge* even more. Channel these uncomplicated pleasures into the new year, mug of warm tea in hand and plush sweater on.

Never having previously heard about *the principals of hygge and assuming it wasn’t just a typo, I looked it up to discover that it is a quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being (regarded as a defining characteristic of Danish culture).

Not only do I love learning new words, but this one seemed a perfect fit as a resolution to beat those January blues. Therefore, I am going to follow the Danish example and bring more hygge into my daily life.

Happy New Year!

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Tiffany Fleming