Appraisals are awesome.

Great appraisals are a special kind of magic.

Until a few years ago, the word appraisal conjured in me a vision of lengthy form filling and awkward conversations resulting in very little beneficial outcome for either party. A personal view I appreciate, but one I shared with a great many. But it doesn’t need to be this way.

Good appraisals benefit not just those taking part but the wider team. Great appraisals transform teams and thoroughly rejuvenate schools. A bold statement I grant you, but we have the outcomes to support the claim.

Externally led senior team appraisals offer an unbiased bird’s eye view of how the business is working through the existing relationships in place. The independent element is key, as it delivers an unpolluted perspective, one not influenced by day-to-day events and the personal politics present in all groups.

The benefits felt as a result of the realignment of the relationships at the head of a school cascade through the team. As each key individual has had the opportunity quietly to voice opinion, each feels that they have contributed and been heard. The outcome is both cleansing and cathartic; it affords a fresh start and often results in the resolution of those longstanding niggles that undermine progress and block evolution.

An external appraiser is free to share their observations but also to guard the opinions shared, gently exploring the most sensitive or difficult topics, and coaching each appraisee on how best each can be addressed for maximum benefit. This position of trust is not altered or influenced by historical events or previous issues, so the potential for inflammatory feedback is negated.

Through gentle examination of each relationship and the identification of the opportunities for adjustment, a shared appreciation of the reasons behind certain behaviours and actions and a restored camaraderie, the team reforms with an agreed robust strategy for improvement. Whole school advances can be achieved through these discussions, and negative and disruptive behaviour resolved.

We’ve come a long way since the days of anonymous form filling and dreaded appraisal day diary reminders. Great appraisals are game changers.

Tiffany Fleming